Analisis Pengaruh Kecepatan Aliran Udara Terhadap Performa Kompor Biomassa Top-Lit Up Draft (T-LUD) Berbahan Bakar Biopelet Kayu Jati - Chips Bambu Betung

Redo Aji Putra, Zuro haina, Nurul Kholidah


Abstrak: Kompor biomassa merupakan suatu alat yang berguna untuk mengkonversi berbagai macam biomassa menjadi sumber energi panas melalui proses pirolisis dan pembakaran. Salah satu parameter penting untuk pengapian pada kompor biomassa yaitu jumlah aliran udara yang disuplai pada proses pembakaran. Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh kecepatan aliran udara dengan sistem udara paksa menggunakan fan terhadap performa kompor biomassa Top-Lit Up Draft (T-LUD) berbahan bakar biopelet kayu jati dan chips bambu betung, sehingga hasil analisis didapatkan kondisi optimum dari performa kompor biomassa dengan parameter berupa efisiensi termal, specific fuel consumption, dan kadar emisi CO hasil pembakaran. Variabel kecepatan aliran udara yang digunakan pada penelitian yaitu 3 m/s, 4 m/s, 5 m/s, dan 6 m/s dengan bahan bakar campuran 50% biopelet kayu jati : 50% chips bambu betung. Hasil penelitian didapatkan kondisi optimum performa kompor biomassa T-LUD pada kecepatan aliran udara 4 m/s menghasilkan efisiensi termal tertinggi sebesar 29,17%, specific fuel consumption terendah yaitu sebesar 2,038 kg/jam, dan kadar emisi CO sebesar 22 ppm.

Kata kunci: Energi Biomassa, Biopelet, Chips Bambu, Kompor Biomassa


Abstract: Biomass stove is a useful tool to convert various kinds of biomass into heat energy source through pyrolysis and combustion process. One of the important parameters for ignition in biomass stoves is the amount of airflow supplied in the combustion process. The purpose of this research is to analyse the effect of airflow velocity with a forced air system using a fan on the performance of Top-Lit Up Draft (T-LUD) biomass stoves fuelled by jati wood biopellets and betung bamboo chips, so that the results of the analysis obtained the optimum conditions of biomass stove performance with parameters such as thermal efficiency, specific fuel consumption, and CO emission levels from combustion. The airflow velocity variables used in the study were 3 m/s, 4 m/s, 5 m/s, and 6 m/s with a fuel mixture of 50% jati wood biopellets : 50% betung bamboo chips. The results showed that the optimum performance condition of the T-LUD biomass stove at airflow velocity of 4 m/s resulted in the highest thermal efficiency of 29,17%, the lowest specific fuel consumption of 2,038 kg/hour, and CO emission levels of 22 ppm.

Keywords: Biomass Energy, Biopellets, Bamboo Chips, Biomass Stove

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